We bend, so she won’t break…
What do we do?
The Willow Collaborative provides emergency and support services to women survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence in Powhatan County and surrounding rural communities.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services are available to all female victims or survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence, regardless of income, sexual orientation, race, age, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, faith, and/or disability. All services are free and confidential.
The Willow Collaborative offers a variety of emergency support services to help women impacted by domestic or sexual violence get safe and back on their feet. This includes financial assistance in a variety of ways, contact us for more information.
When an emergency need for shelter/housing arises, The Willow Collaborative offers assistance with securing a hotel room and/or connecting our clients with other resources that may be able to offer more long term housing solutions.
Our advocates offer continued support and advocacy by helping our clients outline both their goals and their next steps on how to reach those goals.
Our advocates will assist with outlining a personalized plan to increase a woman's safety while they are experiencing abuse, preparing to leave the abusive situation or after they have already left the abusive situation.
The Willow Collaborative offers court advocacy to ensure our clients are not sitting in court alone. Our advocates will also help our clients with the process of obtaining a protective order if needed.
The Willow Collaborative will connect our clients with additional resources that may be able to assist.